Thursday, July 1, 2010

So exciting!

I canned for the first time. I am so excited about this. It was pretty easy altho I think I would like to have a pressure cooker. I used the big 'vat' that we use in part of the honey harvesting process to sterilize the jars and then process them. It worked well enough but I think I wasted energy.
I grew the beans, Paige grew the banana peppers and the dill, and Relinda grew the beets and the onions.
I canned dilly beans and banana peppers last night and then beets tonight. Yeah!!

Here are some of the arrangements that I've had at the house lately. The arrangements of Hydrangeas is from weeks ago. If you can believe it I still have two of these flower bunches left - it's been a month!!! The Dahlia Zinnia's are growing like crazy out back, same as the Sunflowers.

I love my Gladiola's:-) This is the most beautiful color. I love Gladiola's and this is my first one ever.

1 comment:

  1. The flowers are just beautiful! The zinnias are prettier than mine, which is just not fair! LOL
